PA Ball Hawks

Making a PayPal Payment
Using our Organizational PayPal feature, BH families can make payments towards dues, uniform costs, etc... throughout the season. Please follow the instructions provided below to ensure that your payment is credited accordingly:
(1) Click on the Donate button provided below. This will redirect you to the PA Ball Hawks PayPal website.
(2) Enter the amount to donate in the monetary field provided by clicking on the dollar amount and select the Use for Donation from the drop-down. Then, choose to make a payment through Donate with PayPal account or using your Debit or Credit Card.
(3) Complete the necessary debit/credit card (if applicable), billing address, and personal info fields. Be sure to include your Player's Name and Age Level/Team so that payments can be credited accordingly.
(4) Click on the Donate Now button to submit your payment located at the bottom of the page. You will receive an email confirmation of your payment. PLEASE keep this email as your receipt!